Take a Free Class with Stacy Julian!
If you all love Stacy Julian, of Big Pitcure Scrapbooking and Stacy Julian, like I do well this post is for you. Stacy was our Keynote speaker at our conference in Dallas this past July. She was just full of all kinds of awesomeness! She gets us as women, moms, friends, because she is one. She knows the time constraints and guilt we can feel about not getting it all done. Well, she says, give yourself the freedom not to! Be yourself, enjoy your photos, get your stories scrapbook......FREEDOM in scrapbooking! FREEDOM in storytelling! FREEDOM in just being you! As a consultant I have been given the FREEDOM to pass this free class onto you. Just go to www.bigpictureclasses.com/finishline.php Use the promo code CTMH and remember it's FREE! Expires December31,2013
Below is a picture of Stacy and I.....the only reason I am posting it, is because it is the only one I have of her and I waited in line a LONG time!!! My neck looks as thick as my head and my head is back and eyes closed....Oh brother!